Hydrogen island

Urban strategy for independent future

Diploma project by Jiri Vitek, die Angewandte, Studio Hani Rashid, 2020

The project Hydrogen island has aim to develop strategies and methodologies for urbanization of the abandoned and forgotten landscapes using current technologies and focusing on topologies qualities, multiplicities and smooth and stripped spaces.

For bottom-up generative systems were used existing pathways, points and datascapes interpreting into ground and solar tissue.

Such a defined mass needs to be carefully translated into architectural use, when instead of just slicing we can push it further via topological system such as Wave Function Collapse - Monoceros by Subdigital.


Given mass was understood as space for habitats / architectural program _ such as residential units, public space units, gardens, ateliers, workspaces, corridors and very importantly energy production units contain H2 store facility, solar panels and wind turbos as well as recycling grey water facility. In this synergy effect each cluster could be independently existing and be fully sustainable. Right definition of connectors and play with algorithms end up in very nice, differentiated, rich and contextual results.

Components and architectural language

The language is coming from structural understanding of basic frame units and its possibilities of variations. It is quite intelligent, and it is able to become an energetic facility or interior spaces in residential units. Relations between parts and whole is considered a field allowing transition between private and public spaces. Such strategies generate a rich and very structural environment.